Philadelphia Style Magazine “Best of Style” Award – Main Line Interior Designer Semerjian Interiors wins Best of Style Philadelphia Style Magazine – Interior Designer I am so excited to announce that Semerjian Interiors won the Best of Style award in the July…
Semerjian Interiors in I’m so excited to see Semerjian Interiors in today’s issue of the Philadelphia Inquirer and on how social media has helped my business.
Welcome to the Semerjian Interiors Blog Welcome to the Semerjian Interiors Blog. I am so excited about the launch of my website! Since starting my own business 5 years ago, I have worked on so many…
Incorporating Fall’s Top Fashion Trends into your Home Decor Semerjian Interiors on NBC Baltimore! I look forward to doing this segment every fall because I love fall fashion and its so much fun to incorporate the trends into your…
Market 2010 photo courtesy of FourHands IHFC Market 2010 – International Home Furnishings Center Every year I try to take a trip out to High Point, North Carolina, to go to the…